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Among the various indicators on your vehicle’s dashboard, the oil pressure gauge is arguably one of the most crucial ones that keep you informed about the lubrication system of your engine and helps you prevent hefty engine repairs.
However, if you’re noticing that your oil pressure gauge is going up when accelerating, it’s normal to be concerned. Let’s explore the various reasons why this is happening and what can you do about it in this blog post.
What’s High Oil Pressure in General?
Oil pressure in your engine is a very crucial factor that ensures all of your engine’s components receive proper cooling and lubrication. It is maintained by the oil pump that pumps the oil through your engine’s oil channels and passages.
In case the pressure is too low, the engine’s components may not be able to receive adequate lubrication, which may cause additional friction and wear, overheating, and may even lead to engine failure. Likewise, high oil pressure can cause excessive strain on the engine’s components.
Why Does the Oil Pressure Go Up When Accelerating
It’s completely normal for the oil pressure gauge to go up when accelerating. This happens because acceleration causes the engine to work harder, and therefore, the oil pump functions more excessively to maintain the proper oil pressure.
It’s an intended response to the increased engine load. However, in case it is accompanied by other erratic symptoms like ticking noises or engine knocking, then there might be a problem with the oil pressure sensor, oil pump, or other engine components.
In such cases, you need to get your vehicle inspected by a qualified mechanic to identify and address any underlying issues promptly. You should also keep in mind that not all vehicles have oil pressure gauges and some may only indicate low oil pressure with a warning light.
Is It Normal for Oil Pressure to Move While Driving?
The oil pressure in your vehicle’s engine can fluctuate due to a variety of factors such as engine temperature, speed, oil viscosity, and load. It will generally increase when your engine tends to work harder, such as when climbing a hill or accelerating.
The oil pressure gauge may even decrease when the oil is cold and thick or when the engine is idling. However, make sure you keep in mind that if it is constantly fluctuating or lies below the intended range, it may indicate a serious problem with the oil filter, oil pump, or other components.
Reasons for Oil Pressure to Go Up When Accelerating
Worn Bearings
As time passes by, the bearings in your engine can wear out which may lead to gaps and make the lubrication less efficient. Due to this, an increase in oil pressure can be observed as it has to work harder to pass through the gaps and reach every part of the engine.
Restricted Oil Passages
Along with the blockages caused due to debris, the oil passages in your engine can also be restricted as a result of sludge or other deposit buildups. As a result, the engine may experience an increased oil pressure due to more work being done by the oil to pass through the restricted passages.
Faulty Oil Pump
The oil pump of your vehicle is responsible to circulate the oil throughout your car’s engine. In case this particular component is faulty, it may lead to excessive oil pumping or insufficient oil flow, which may cause an increase in the oil pressure.
Engine Overheating
When your car’s engine overheats, it causes the oil to become thinner and increase its flow rate, which eventually leads to higher oil pressure. This not only causes damage to your engine but can also cause other issues in the long run and should be addressed immediately.
Faulty Pressure Relief Valve
The pressure relief valve in your car is responsible for releasing the excessive pressure generated within the engine. If this valve is malfunctioning, then the pressure will not be able to release properly and cause the oil pressure to rise gradually.
Aftermarket Parts
If you’re using aftermarket parts like an oil filter that’s not specifically designed for your vehicle, then it might just be the reason behind the increased oil pressure issue. That’s because these aftermarket parts may not be able to handle the flow rate of the oil or may not fit adequately in your vehicle.
What Are The Symptoms of High Oil Pressure in Your Vehicle?
High oil pressure can certainly be a worrying issue, and it’s necessary to diagnose and rectify the issue as soon as possible to avoid any severe damage to the engine. Let’s take a look at some of the most common symptoms of high oil pressure in your car:
High Oil Pressure Gauge Reading
Your car’s oil pressure gauge is an easy way to identify if your engine is suffering from high oil pressure. Nearly all vehicles have an oil pressure gauge that indicates the oil pressure flowing through your vehicle’s engine.
If the gauge reading is too high then it may indicate a problem, which may require you to take your vehicle to a professional mechanic and get the issue fixed.
Oil Leaks
Your vehicle is designed to work only at a specific temperature and pressure and when it exceeds these limits, components like seals may blow out and lead to damage and leaks. There may be oil spots under your vehicle or a smell of burning oil in case of a leak.
Engine Overheating
Issues like high oil pressure can often lead to insufficient oil being flown throughout the engine, which eventually causes the engine to overheat. When left untreated, overheating can even damage the engine and cause complete engine failure.
Increased Oil Consumption
When the oil pressure in your engine is high, it can force the oil past the piston rings which may lead to increased oil consumption in your vehicle. In case you notice that your vehicle is consuming more oil than usual, it might be a sign of high oil pressure.
Does The Type of Engine Oil Use Affect Your Oil Pressure?
If you’re using a thicker or more viscous oil, it may face more resistance while passing through the passages of your engine, which may eventually lead to higher oil pressure. Shifting to a thicker or thinner oil directly impacts the oil pressure.
In addition, the temperature of your engine may also impact the oil pressure. As oil has a tendency to get thinner when heated up, the oil pressure in your engine might be higher than usual while starting up the vehicle.
Final Words
The oil pressure gauge going up when accelerating may not always be a concerning issue, but it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on it and address any potential issues promptly. We hope you found the information shared here helpful in resolving problems with your vehicle’s oil system.